She is coming tomorrow! Seems that her stubborn streak is continuing, and she is still nice and comfy in my tummy. :) So the plan is to check into the hospital bright and early tomorrow morning to get this party started. I am SO, SO, SO excited to meet our daughter! She is going to be beautiful! I feel like my body and mind are ready for this process. I'll spare you the details, but I feel like my body is just a little push away from going into labor. So if this is the push it needs, so be it!
Today I enjoyed a sunny day with my sister. I am so glad she has been in town this week!! We went on a 3.5 mile walk to JP Coffee and then enjoyed some breakfast after our walk. Afterwards we ran some errands and bought the cutest little outfit for baby girl. It is a long-sleeve onesie with owls and a matching hat. Precious.
We are taking the computer and camera to the hospital tomorrow, so hopefully we will be able to post pictures soon after she arrives.
Grandpa Dave and Aunt Melissa's birthdays are tomorrow, so we're hoping she arrives before midnight to join them on their birthdays! We'll keep you posted!
I am SO excited to meet, hold, cuddle Baby Girl (and find out her NAME) tomorrow! "Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow" of Krista's fave songs and movies (Annie). I am going to be a Nana tomorrow! "It's only a day away!"
YIPPEE! I am so glad you have been feeling so good. What an incredible blessing. And to be able to hang out with your sister the day before! I am so excited to hear everything tomorrow. Know that you are covered in prayers. I am so glad to hear that you are ready now...that is such wonderful news.
Love you sweet girl. I could not be more excited!
Oh my goodness, I don't know how I can wait till Saturday! I am so ready to see this precious little girl! Please know we will be praying for you all day!
Love you both so much!
Aunt Melissa is pumped!!! I know that Grandpa Dave and I will welcome her with open arms. I can't wait to love on her and dote on the new mommy and daddy.
So excited for you all! I'll be praying for you as tomorrow as I have been already. Enjoy your day, they are the best memories!
Krista! I am so excited for you. I can't wait to meet your baby girl!! We miss you at work and everyone has been anticipating your big day. You have been in my prayers. TOMORROW! Good luck!
Hey Scott, Krista, and Baby Girl, Lots of prayers have been said for you and will continue tomorrow! We Love you guys and can't wait to see you as parents. You will be wonderful parents. May God Bless you with a quick and easy labor! Can't wait to see pics.
Dave, Kari, and Jackson
Hi Sis! What a fun day that we did have today. I am so very happy that we were able to spend so much time together this past week. I love you so much. I can't wait to be an Aunt and love on my new niece. What fun days are ahead! Let's do this!!!
Aunt Karla
Ok chicka....where are the pictures for us far away friends that can't be there to kiss and hold her??? huh? huh? get on the ball sista;)
jk....but asap would be wonderful:) Love you! I HOPE MOMMYHOOD IS AS AND MORE WONDERFUL THAN YOU EVER EXPECTED!
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