Monday, November 09, 2009

2 month check-up

Sienna had her 2 month check up last Thursday. She weighed 11 pounds and 4 ounces, which is in the 65th percentile for her age! This is great, considering she was in the 25th percentile at her 2 week check up. Also, the doctor says her motor development is that of a 4 month old already! She can hold her head up, turn it from side to side, and she has been cooing and smiling since week 6. She also started blowing bubbles at about week 8, and the doctor said that normally doesn't happen until around 4 months. I knew we had a smart kiddo! :)

Sienna also got her first round of shots on Thursday. Scott held down her arms while the nurse stuck her three times in the thigh. With the first shot, her eyes got really big when the needle went in, and then she started bawling. Rightly so! I hate shots, too! She cried hard for about 5 minutes, but then calmed down and sacked out for a quick catnap on the drive home. Not too bad!

We also talked to her doctor about her sleep. He said that she could possibly be waking up at that 45 minute mark because of acid reflux. He said the interrupted naps, plus the fact that she spits up and hiccups after every feeding could be a sign. I'm not convinced she has it (because she'll sleep for hours at night without waking), but we've got her on Zantac to see if there's any improvement after a week. The medicine tastes nasty (like bad Peppermint Schnapps), so it's hard to get her to take it. We essentially have to squirt it in her mouth, and hold her mouth & nose shut to force her to swallow. Some times are more successful than others. Ha!

But we are likely going to start the crying it out bit after the Thanksgiving holiday. The doctor said that he believes strongly in the method (used it for each of his three kids), but not to employ it until 3 months. He said the part of a child's brain that can make the connection from day-to-day about sleep habits isn't fully developed until 3 months. I'm not looking forward to doing this, but I know it's best for her. I've been trying to put her down in her crib awake now, so she can be partially prepped for falling asleep on her own. Now I'm just going to have to quit putting her paci back in, patting her little chest or putting her in the swing to help her fall asleep. (Most of the time...)


K. Jenison said...

Yea for Sienna! She is developing ahead of schedule always makes you feel good. Tate had a bout of acid reflux. I remember that the medicine was a pain to get down Dr. Yanette told us to hold his nose and mouth closed and his instinct would be to swallow. Worked for us! I do remember it took a week or so for it to really have much of an effect but by that time he was over it so thankfully we didn't do it for long.

As for getting the meds down, Audrey told me to tell you that what worked well for her boys was to actually put the medicine in a bottle nipple and let them suck it out. Since Sienna takes a bottle well you might try it. By the time she would realize it wasn't milk it would be swallowed.

Nana Jones said...

Nana has always thought Sienna was so alert and perceptive for her little life. Of course the doctor agrees she is so advanced! She has been smiling, talking and cooing so much. Sienna will probably be singing her ABC's by next week:)