Saturday, January 16, 2010

Another laughing moment

We had fun making Sienna laugh tonight, so thought we'd share with you all. We had just given her Prevacid, and she has to wait 30 minutes before eating and going to bed. So this time of night we always have to distract her from being tired and hungry. Some nights are harder than others, but we got her to laugh hysterically at us tonight. It was fun... and a work out!


Nana Jones said...

Sienna is actually spelled A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E! How darn cute she is laughing so loudly at mommy! Good job Krista! This baby doll becomes more fun and precious every day. Nana and PaPa LOVE her so much:)

Unknown said...

I love all the goofy things parents will do to get a laugh! :) Can't wait to see her laugh in person

Marilyn said...

so funny !! love to hear and see her laugh! gramma