Sunday, March 15, 2009

Boy or Girl, Boy or Girl?

Secretly, I thought Scott & I might change our minds about wanting to find out the gender of our little bun-in-the-oven. I thought we might want to keep the suspense going for a while longer, but this past week I have been dying to know if we're going to have a son or daughter! Those moms and dads that can hold off knowing are impressive. My Type A, planner personality just can't cope with a surprise that big. Maybe we'll feel different about baby #2?

We've started a list of first names, but haven't really spent too much time on them since we don't know boy or girl, yet. We haven't even tackled middle names yet. We're having a harder time with boy names versus girl names. There are just more girl names that we both agree upon at this point. We are keeping the name hush-hush, so you will all have to wait until August to know. So cruel, I know. Ha!

Vote on the boy/girl question at the top-right hand corner of the blog, if you haven't already!

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