Friday, March 12, 2010

Baby ears

Sienna still has her ear infection, poor little thing. We heard her talking (not really crying) around 2 AM on Thursday morning, and she just couldn't seem to settle back into sleep, which is unusual for her. So, I went in to check on her, and she was so hot. Poor thing had a temp of 102.2 degrees. We gave her some Motrin and brought her in bed to sleep with us. She didn't sleep much, so I figured either her cough had turned into something worse, or her ear infection never went away. At urgent care later that morning, I found out it was the later. The amoxicillin wasn't strong enough to kick the infection, so now she's on second, stronger antibiotic. About 4:00 yesterday afternoon, she had a BM that was blood red. Scared the heck out me! Ironically (or not), Scott had just left for an unexpected business trip. So, again, Sienna and I trekked to urgent care. After running tests on her stool, they determined it was NOT blood, but just a side effect to her new antibiotic. I guess it's fairly common to have red poop (????) with the antibiotic she's on. Would have been nice to know that upfront!
This morning, we made trip #3 to the doctor in a 24 hour period. Ha! This one was her scheduled 6 month check-up, though. She is doing fantastic. Here are her stats.
Weight: 17 lbs. 14 oz. (75th percentile)
Height: 26.25" (55th percentile)
Developmentally, she is on schedule, or a bit ahead. She's been sitting unsupported for over a month, and she recently started being able to stand on her own while holding onto the couch. WOW! She's been babbling quite a bit, and she gets really excited to see people she knows when they walk in the room. She has also started to smile and 'make friends' with strangers... she was charming all the nurses in the office this morning. We have started her on oatmeal and bananas, but it's time to really start the jar food, now. I can't believe she's getting so big!!

While the past month has been tough with all the life adjustments and sickness in our household, I was thinking this morning how it could be so much worse. While Sienna has been sick, she's never been in serious medical danger, and she has been a happy baby through it all. All the ups and downs have reminded me, once again, that I am not in control of my life, and that God has my best interest at heart. In a weird way, I think all these changes have prepared me for being back at work... to learn to roll with the punches, to make the most of each day and to not sweat the small stuff. We sure are blessed!

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